New Demand to find out the user permissions in Azure SQL Database.
Basics 0FF SQL Servr
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
SQL Azure User Permissions
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Find the Jobs that failed
Well need to send out notifications for the job failures in the SQL Server.
Well first of all we need to look into the jobhistory to get the last completed instance of the job run completed in last 24hours.
SELECT,MAX(h.instance_id) instance_id
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON j.job_id=h.job_id
WHERE j.enabled=1
AND msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(h.run_date,h.run_time)> GETDATE()-1
AND h.step_id=0
Now that we have the instance id of the jobhistory per job that we are interested in, we can now filter the other columns that required for the reporting.
SELECT,h.message,msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(h.run_date,h.run_time) AS starttime FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON j.job_id=h.job_id
SELECT,MAX(h.instance_id) instance_id
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON j.job_id=h.job_id
WHERE j.enabled=1
AND msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(h.run_date,h.run_time)> GETDATE()-1
AND h.step_id=0
GROUP BY b ON = AND b.instance_id = h.instance_id
WHERE j.enabled=1
AND h.run_status =0
Hope you enjoyed the query.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Interested in Jobs missing Schedules
Friday, August 19, 2022
wonder what is the difference between import math and from math
Thursday, July 16, 2020
SQL Replication
-- to get what are the errors that are in the server
select * from distribution..MSrepl_errors with(nolock) where time > '20120221' order by time desc
select top 10 * from distribution..MSrepl_errors with(nolock) order by time desc
-- to get what was the command that was cauing the issue. From here we get the hint what is the table that is involved.
exec distribution..sp_browsereplcmds @xact_seqno_start='0x0001492D0000299B000600000000', @xact_seqno_end='0x0001492D0000299B000600000000'
{CALL [sp_MSdel_dbot_server_status] (53966)}
msdb table which has replication issues
select * from sysreplicationalerts
select distinct subscriber,article from sysreplicationalerts
select distinct publisher,publisher_db,article from sysreplicationalerts
select distinct 'select count(*) '+''''+article+''''+'from ' +publisher_db + '..'+ article + ' with (nolock)' from sysreplicationalerts
-- to run a job from command line.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'FESCOVAWSA04W3-Aarow_acp-aarow_acp-11' ;
--Adding transactional article in an existing publication. Here a lot of parameters are environment specific and t_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup
--is the table that is being added to the existing publishing.
use [Aarow_acp]
exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'aarow_acp',
@article = N't_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup',
@source_owner = N'dbo',
@source_object = N't_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup',
@type = N'logbased',
@description = N'',
@creation_script = N'',
@pre_creation_cmd = N'drop',
@schema_option = 0x000000000803509F,
@identityrangemanagementoption = N'manual',
@destination_table = N't_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup',
@destination_owner = N'dbo',
@status = 24,
@vertical_partition = N'false',
@ins_cmd = N'CALL [sp_MSins_dbot_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup]',
@del_cmd = N'CALL [sp_MSdel_dbot_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup]',
@upd_cmd = N'SCALL [sp_MSupd_dbot_aaflc_fund_fmly_lkup]'
-- to compare data on row basis. using -c to compare table data on column basis.
tablediff -sourceserver PWIBOSSQLA10V3 -sourcedatabase RSOWDistribution2 -sourcetable t_server_status -destinationserver PWIBOSSQLA10V3 -destinationdatabase RSOWDistribution1 -destinationtable t_server_status -q -o
select log_reuse_wait_stats,name from sys.databases --- check if replication appears in the description
to find the ditributor/subscriber/publisher detail
select article,publisher_db from distribution..msarticles
select * from distribution..MSpublisher_databases
select * from distribution..MSsync_states
select * from distribution..MSsubscriber_info
Tushar Kanti
Identify the Database Server which is used to mount the database in Sharepoint 2010
Presently working in 2nd largest Sharepoint Environment globally. I have been working with a lot of Sharepoint Enironments with different levels of complexities. Well Today I will talk about the a couple of important tables in the Config database related to Sharepoint.
As you know the config database houses a lot of important tables. These tables have a lot of information which can be very crucial in understanding the links between a lot of internals inside sharepoint. Today we will take a peek into the Objects, Class and the SiteMap tables in the COnfig database. I definitely do miss the documentation on these tables. However there were little bread crums over the internet which I could follow and reach to this juncture.
The article is divided into two parts in the first part we will look into the very basics of queries and in the next section we will look into the complex query merging a couple of the basic queries.
DBA for your Data
What is the most important resource in the planet?
As the title might have already hinted it is "The Data". Data is the New Oil. It is the costliest resource known to humans. There are so many things which mention about the importance of Data.
But I am not here to pile on with the same information. I am here to tell you something more important.
The Guardian of your Data is Database Administrator also known as DBA. But more than often people in IT ignore this profile and grant the role to either a Windows Admin or a SQL Developer.
Imagine handing over Windows Administration to SQL Developer and SQL Developer role to Windows Administrator. Right it gives you a kick immediately. You are ready to give a knee jerk reaction. But no one understands the Database like your Friendly Neighborhood DBA.
The basic problem of IT Management hiring a DBA is giving the responsiblity to HR (who has no clue what SQL Server, MYSSQL or Oracle and let's not get started on cosmos, mongo, dynamodb). I recently read an article where a company HR posted a 12 years experience for Kubernetes. Seems like Google were 6 years too slow. The next problem is job interviews unless you have a DBA who is taking your interview (I am lucky to have some amazing interviews with very senior DBA's) you have no clue what answer the interviewer is looking for. Most of the times they will bring up very specific questions with minimal details like the tempdb is full. Well there is no right answer and it is more of a approach the problem answer rather than a bullet point this is how it is done.
Now let's say the poor DBA still manages to siphon through the HR's list of desirable candidates and even manages to convince the non-DBA techies(no offence I love Windows Admins and SQL Developers) to impress. The company does not find much value in hiring a DBA for a single project and hence asks the person to be shared with multiple projects and the DBA loves to have more no problem there. The actual problem is no one is really ready for any change the DBA wants to do to improve security, performance or profitability. So after some time the organization finding no value in the work done asks to turn roles to a SQL Developer so they can justify the time and money spent on a DBA.
So you see the person looking after the most important resource is not even close to what he/she should have achieved. That said it is not the story of every DBA and IT of late has started to get really respectful with Data and there are even very specific and specialized profiles now related to Data like Data Scientist ,Machine Learning Engineer and so on. In the core all these profiles have a DBA in them but they specialize in specific discipline.
So there it is my view about the DBA for your Data.
Tushar Kanti